Friday, 28 March 2008

It's my birthday!!

It's my birthday. Yay!! I think... Do I really want to celebrate getting older? Ummm... Nope! But, then again, it's an excuse to get somebody else to do the washing up and everyone has to be nice to me for a day Smile

Actually, it's been really good this year. Hubby bought me a car, so I have my bit of independence back and I'm not stuck indoors when he's working away. I've had lots of birthday wishes sent by my new friends on I have to keep reminding myself that they are real people whom I happen to never have met, otherwise I tend to think of them as virtual friends which is only really one step away from imaginary friends!Worried and from there it's on to madness....

I was sung happy birthday via MSN messenger (Thank you Rob) and my family wished me happy birthday from Ireland, also via MSN.

I had 2 happy birthday texts (Thank you Martin and Kirsteen)

So.... All in all a good birthday so far, Thank Goddess for modern technology, otherwise it would have been one card (Thank you Mary)

Grant is arriving today for his spring visit, so there's another birthday treat. I fully intend to have a few drinks this evening, so it'll be nice not to be doing that on my own. Makes me feel like an old lush! Mind you MSN tends to come to the rescue there as well, just find a friend who is logged on and having a drink, et voila, I'm not drinking on my own... I'm having a drink with a friend (who just happens to be 500 miles away)

Anyhoo, time's a wastin'! I'm half way to 70, so I can't sit here typing twaddle all day. I've got bungee jumping and abseiling to get on with... or maybe just another cup of tea...

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Flippin' Cat!!


 26022008080 Welcome to the wonderful world of Pyewacket! Whenever you open the fridge, he jumps in. If you're in the kitchen making something to eat, you daren't turn your back for a second or he'll be off with anything tasty you have left on the worktop! When you're sitting still you can't move your fingers or he'll take that as an invitation to chase/bite/claw them. When you're sitting still you can't keep your fingers still or he'll take that as an invitation to chase/bite/claw them. He likes to snuggle in bed with you (whether you like it or not) and then when he decides you've had enough sleep, he bites your toes (Martin had to be scraped off the ceiling twice last week!) He meows to get outside and then immediately meows to get back in. If he's outside for any length of time he yowls at the door and when you open it, he rushes to the litter tray whilst giving you a filthy look (OMG! I nearly had to pee outside!!!)

He follows you to the loo and if he gets in, he tries to climb on the loo seat behind you, he also drinks from the loo and leaves puddy paw prints all over the seat.

He likes to wait until both dogs are in the kitchen and then he struts in, spots them... turns into a bog brush and hisses. Does he run back out? No, don't be daft, he stalks slowly across the kitchen to see if he can get close enough to get a swipe at the poor dogs.

He likes to browse the web, he loves to edit and/or delete my documents and most of all he likes to wander across the keyboard when I'm chatting on msn or posting to a forum. I now leave a trail of messages which start out well, but end with sbjlsfrgip;h['y!!

But, he's cute and fluffy and lovely and when he's tired he snuggles down into a cute, furry, purring, cuddly lump in your arms and all is forgiven....... until next time!Waiting

Monday, 10 March 2008


On the 1st of March  I picked up four more hens, they were from a farm which supplies organic free range eggs to supermarkets.

Lets just say they're interesting looking creatures, I'll let ya know when they start looking like our other hens. At the moment they look almost oven ready! Worried

Wick High School


The parent council has recently opened our eyes to the dilapidated state of the school buildings.

More info and the presentation shown at the recent meeting can be found here.

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