Sunday, 23 November 2008



Yes, we have snow.

No, I am not going to build a snowman.

As for the person who suggested I strip naked and make snow angels… Talk to the hand!!

Yes, snow is very pretty in photos and yes, it’s lovely to sit by a warm fire and look at the snow out the window, but it’s a pain in the arse when you need to go anywhere and in case you hadn’t noticed, it’s fecking freezing!!!

Come back to me when you’ve invented warm snow, I might be interested.

Bah Humbug!!


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Thursday, 20 November 2008

Those Logs…

Remember I told you that Hubby had bought a few logs for the fire? Well here they are…


We have a forest!!!! A horizontal one lol. Well that’s about 2/3 of them anyway. He is now also the proud owner of one of these…



Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Wet & Wild!

The weather you dirty bunch of pervs! Honestly, I don’t know…. what1225529444 with me being a good catholic girl and all .

Anyway, yeah it’s been horrible. Force 10 winds. horrid drizzly rain and downright feckin freezin!

Speaking of which, Hubby has bought in a few logs for the fire…. More on that tomorrow….

Sunday, 16 November 2008


smile_teeth Do I have your attention? Good.

liz_vicious_hardcore This is a shout out in a Westwood stylee ( I can’t fuckin stand Westwood!) Ok no Westwood. Ermmmm….

This is the Leebles post with gratuitous Lizziness!

Happy now?

Good! smile_wink

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Aries = Me :)

ARIES-The Ram (March 21-April 20)
Key word: Action
Key phrase: I Am!
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mars which is located in it's natural First House. It is associated with the beginning of a cycle. When a planet or house cusp is in Aries, the planet or house will describe how or where you strive to be first.

Aries turns ideas into action, is spontaneous, competitive and enthusiastic. It will also show qualities of impulsiveness, selfishness and aggressiveness.

A person born under the sign of Aries will tend to be a natural leader with great passion. They like to start things for others to finish because they become easily bored and want to move on to some new challenge.
Some positive traits: Initiating, pioneering, eager, courageous, independent, dynamic.
Some negative traits : Quick-tempered, violent, impatient, egotistical, intolerant.

Public Service Announcement



23j3k07 344oy21 10wjnyt 2n0pr9f k4e8as 21e9lzn 1z48j03 35avgwp 2ik8tau

Doomed! Doomed I tell ya!

Which File Extension Are You?


Yay! It’s stoopid online quiz time! There’s two minutes of my life I’ll never get back and it’s obviously wrong too….




Hellooooo Zeroooooo

I see you lurking there in the shadows. Now blog biatch!

Don’t you dare use that standard excuse that “You have nothing to blog about” it makes my eyes roll in a most alarming manner. Seriously dude! Don’t put me through that.


I mean… It’s not like I have anything to blog about either. Look how many words I just managed to squeeze out of sweet fuck all. thumbs_up

<—You can always add a random picture just to really baffle people. :)


I need a lie down…


Monday, 10 November 2008

Ooh! Looky Looky!


I just noticed something. If you go back to my earlier post and look at the maps, you'll see Morangie and Dalmore...


...Maybe I should pack an overnight bag. You know.... Just in case I get delayed. smile_wink

Bleh! Monday!

Happy Monday everybody

Shit I hate Mondays! This one has been worse than usual. Not only did I have to get up early after a terrible night's sleep. The house was bloody freezing! So I went back to bed.

By the time I got back up, Hubby had lit the fire... using a blow torch no less! Talk about overkill!

I managed to reschedule the work I was supposed to do today as well. So tomorrow I get to visit Tain

Map image

and Alness

Map image

Maybe I should do this every Monday? I could declare Monday a non-day. Sounds like a plan :)

Sunday, 9 November 2008


Well... sort of...

I bought a new kettle
It lights up
My life is complete


Saturday, 8 November 2008

Webchat Cat

Webchat Cat Webchat cat is in your webchat pretending to be me.

There's an imposter!!


He even stole my Bacardi smile_sniff

Friday, 7 November 2008

I haz a car :)

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I am the proud owner of a Vectra with more sodding buttons than the Enterprise!!

On the plus side, it does have air conditioning *faints with excitement* that's going to come in dead handy in summer. I mean how have I coped in the past? Sometimes the temperature reaches 24ºC here in July...

Yes I know... Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Let me just check my trusty give-a-fuck-o-meter...

To be honest, I love my new car. It has climate control which means that right now it's the only place I can get warm. Maybe I could move into it? Nah... Not enough room for all my shoes and my straighteners won't work on 12 volts.

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