Monday, 11 August 2008

Oh Sh1t!!!

Yup, shit, shite and buggrit!


Hubby's car has died suddenly, it is officially buggered. It needs a new engine.

My car as it was so nicely put today... Has more bangs and rattles than a percussion section.


Actually, Hubby made a very good point today...

They say that money can't buy you happiness, but every problem we've had over the last couple of years would have been easily solved with money.

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Saturday, 9 August 2008

Rainy Saturday :(

Now, I love living in Caithness, but it rains here as much as it does in Ireland and that takes some doing! Well, as I'm stuck in watching the rain, I shall update my blog for your perusal and obvious pleasure.

The Adolf kitten made his first kill the yesterday.


He stalked the large feathered creature for a while before pouncing and dispatching it with no mercy whatsoever!


Doesn't he look proud!

Also in yesterday's news...

We went out to take some photos and look for "Groatie buckies". We took plenty of photos and even found a courting couple in the long DSCF1725grass (laugh? I nearly peed meself!), but the groatie buckies avoided capture once again. We had a good nosey around the old Freswick church/chapel while we were out. That place fascinates me because everything still seems to be in there, it's like they locked up after Sunday service one week and just forgot to go back! DSCF1718

We found something we hadn't noticed before as well. If you go around to the back, you can see into the hallway and lo and behold! What did we find there?...........



DSCF1739I wonder if it still plays?


Sunday, 3 August 2008

Have you seen Deirdre?

Deirdre Jacob disappeared 10 years ago this year. Her parents and younger sister have managed to keep their hope alive for all this time. They have spent 10 years scanning every crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. A moment of hope every time they see someone in the street who looks like her.

My parents and I used to live in an old farmhouse which belonged to their family. I babysat the girls, I made snowmen with them. I find it hard to grasp the fact that she just disappeared. I mean... She is somewhere and someone must know where....

Aaaargh!!! Midgies!!!

Today we have been prisoners in our own home. The midgies have been out in force! According to the midge forecast, we have a negligible risk of midgies today. They obviously didn't tell the midgies that!

A couple of months ago, I invested in a net thingummy for the front door. To try and stop the little beggars, or at least slow them down a bit. I tried to get hubby to help me fit it..... Well, to cut a long story short, we ended up doing an emergency fitting today, whilst being swarmed and eaten alive! A couple of hours later we were standing behind our newly fitted midge net thingummy, watching them land on it and then crawl in through the tiny holes. Aaaaaargh!!

I think I've cracked it now. I've sprayed the net with Vapona fly spray and DEET. So, next time I look out one of two things will have happened.

  1. The midgies that haven't been cruelly assassinated by the Vapona will have been repelled by the DEET and I can stand there and smoke my cigarette in peace.
  2. The chemical cocktail I've sprayed onto the net will have vaporised/disintegrated it and those midgies which aren't rolling around he floor laughing, will launch a revenge attack on me.

Bloody midgies!!

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Kitten Update!

Just in case anyone cares, I thought I'd better provide a kitten update.

They're still kittens!! Yes, I know! Amazing isn't it?!

Right, first off I suppose I'd better add all the information, so you know what the hell I'm talking about. The cat had kittens (but you'd know that if you'd been paying attention), the grey one was female the other two weren't...

This is the grey one, it is female, it is now gone.

Apparently we made the woman's day/week/month because she's been looking for a grey kitten for months, she's always had grey kittens and in fact she shows them. So in theory, this cute little specimen has gone off to seek fame and fortune and possibly the odd mouse as well.

That leaves the other two. Quite literally in fact. THEY'RE STILL HERE!!! Is it because they is black? (snigger). I mean, what's wrong with this face?

I mean yeah, ok, he does look a bit like The laughing cavalier, but surely that just adds to his charm and cuteness? Apparently not! It's starting to look like we're stuck with him, but worry not! I have a cunning plan (I'll explain in a bit). Anyway, back to the cute kitties.

Last but not least we have exhibit 3 M'Lud. The very picture of DSCF1267cuteness (I like this one, can ya tell?)

Unfortunately, he does tend to look a bit startled in photos (like you hadn't noticed!)

But. tis ok! I have another photo of him....


No! We do not keep him in drawer!

Right, back to that cunning plan I mentioned..

We have visitors coming, two lots of visitors as it happens, now surely they won't be able to resist all that kitty cuteness and they'll be overcome by the urge to take a kitten home with them, won't they?

In case you hadn't noticed, there is now a PayPal button top right of this blog, you're penance for laughing at my problems is to donate to the "Buying cat food and fixing the crap motor fund". Mwuhahahahaha *ahem* I mean.... Pretty please? 

Friday, 1 August 2008

My car is poorly(er)

Every time I get in that poor old thing lately to go to the shop, it sounds like it's shaking itself apart! Slammed the boot on day a couple of months ago and lost a lump out of the offside wing. On a cold start, it struggles to keep going (bless it). The fuel economy is now non existent. A couple of trips into Wick can take quarter of a tank if that's the kind of mood the car's in. Problem is I just can't afford another one. When that one pops it's clogs I'll be stuffed. For someone who lives 12 miles out of town that's a scary prospect!

I need to think up some sort of gimmick, like that guy in America who started off with a red paperclip and kept trading up until he got a house. Hmm.... Ideas on a postcard please...

Or you could always donate to the cause... I have PayPal!! smile_teeth

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