Saturday, 2 August 2008

Kitten Update!

Just in case anyone cares, I thought I'd better provide a kitten update.

They're still kittens!! Yes, I know! Amazing isn't it?!

Right, first off I suppose I'd better add all the information, so you know what the hell I'm talking about. The cat had kittens (but you'd know that if you'd been paying attention), the grey one was female the other two weren't...

This is the grey one, it is female, it is now gone.

Apparently we made the woman's day/week/month because she's been looking for a grey kitten for months, she's always had grey kittens and in fact she shows them. So in theory, this cute little specimen has gone off to seek fame and fortune and possibly the odd mouse as well.

That leaves the other two. Quite literally in fact. THEY'RE STILL HERE!!! Is it because they is black? (snigger). I mean, what's wrong with this face?

I mean yeah, ok, he does look a bit like The laughing cavalier, but surely that just adds to his charm and cuteness? Apparently not! It's starting to look like we're stuck with him, but worry not! I have a cunning plan (I'll explain in a bit). Anyway, back to the cute kitties.

Last but not least we have exhibit 3 M'Lud. The very picture of DSCF1267cuteness (I like this one, can ya tell?)

Unfortunately, he does tend to look a bit startled in photos (like you hadn't noticed!)

But. tis ok! I have another photo of him....


No! We do not keep him in drawer!

Right, back to that cunning plan I mentioned..

We have visitors coming, two lots of visitors as it happens, now surely they won't be able to resist all that kitty cuteness and they'll be overcome by the urge to take a kitten home with them, won't they?

In case you hadn't noticed, there is now a PayPal button top right of this blog, you're penance for laughing at my problems is to donate to the "Buying cat food and fixing the crap motor fund". Mwuhahahahaha *ahem* I mean.... Pretty please? 

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